Employee TrailBlazing

A Blog about how to succeed as an employee in the corporate ladder

10 REasons why commitment is great for your professional growth

For many commitment is a scary word in business and personal life. Commitment sounds like it’s forever and has no way out. Obviously, this may be the emotional definition of Commitment. This daunting word is large and surrounded by 10 letters. But let’s remove the emotions and categorize this word as an action word. Why is commitment so valuable to successful individuals?

Pat Riley, the successful NBA coach and basketball executive was quoted to say “There are only two options regarding commitment; you’re either in or you’re out.” A very true statement that eliminates the “lukewarm” or “maybe” options.

Let’s look at Tony Robbins quote, successful author and motivational speaker. He was quoted to have said “If I am committed there is always a way.” Once again, we see the word commitment as a word that leads to action and completion.

Some people may challenge the word and say “I cannot be committed to a terrible employer, job or person.” If this is your thought process, then you are looking at commitment as an action that happens to an employer or someone else. When in reality commitment is something that happens to you or your inner you. Let me explain this further. A commitment you make is a positive action you make to yourself, and this action will allow you to carry on and finish a goal. Without commitment you will only fail or quit. This is the reality whether it’s a business commitment or a personal commitment.

Whether you are driven by commitment or commitment drives you is irrelevant. The important point is that commitment carries a driving force. Committing to producing the best job each day is a winning attitude.

One definition of commitment is: the level of enthusiasm an employee has towards his/her tasks assigned at a workplace. It is the feeling of responsibility that a person has towards the goals, mission, and vision of the organization he/she is associated with.

In a similar way that a special friendship rewards your life, commitment gives back or rewards you as well. Let’s review the many components that a committed attitude encompasses and the rewards you will receive from it,

  1. When you are committed one of your hidden traits shines, That is “Loyalty.”
  2. Commitment gives you a “sense of a mission.”
  3. Commitment puts you in a class of “excellence.”
  4. Commitment will call out another of your traits – “Accountability.”
  5. Commitment will allow you show off your “self-Discipline”
  6. Commitment will bring out your “competitiveness.”
  7. Commitment will lead you to “success.”
  8. Commitment will give you “pride and build your self-esteem.”
  9. Commitment will feel you with “adrenaline” you don’t feel if you lack commitment.
  10. Commitment will result in “respect.”

This gives you an idea of how commitment will shower you with more wonderful traits that lead to success. It truly gives a truth to Newton’s third law that “for every action there is a reaction.” In this case the action of commitment brings out many traits that helps you grow as an an individual. Having great commitment will make others want to be part of your team. It is a very contagious action to show commitment.

Commitment - Free of Charge Creative Commons Highway sign image

Commitment allows you to get closer to completing a goal or closer to your success

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